Whitter, Author at RAW School of FitnessRAW School of Fitness

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Meet Tim “Timbo” Mullin. When Tim walked through the doors of the RAW School of Fitness he was on a journey. He had gone through a break up which sparked him to make some changes in his life. At his heaviest, Tim weighed 311 lbs and standing at 6”3, he was a heavy guy. In June 2012 he changed his diet cold-turkey and started eating lean meats, lots of veggies, fresh fruit and nuts. The weight started melting off and so began phase 1. He got himself a membership to the local YMCA and started an exercise routine but quickly found something was missing. He wanted to learn, he wanted to know proper form and build muscle and he wanted to do it right. This is when Tim stepped through our doors.

“Finally it just struck me that I had to change something. I decided that once I worked my way through all the not so great food in the house I was going to start eating this paleo diet, and join the gym. I wanted to do crossfit but I was still terrified of it at that point. I thought I would go in and there would be all these people there staring at me like why is this guy even here.” Tim, on his initial thought of getting fit.

Timbo DSC01532

When Tim came to us he had lost a lot of the excess weight to begin with but because it had happened so quickly he had a lot of excess skin and very little muscle definition. Working with Coach Whitney, Tim went through 10 Personal Training sessions to educate him on proper movement and lifting form as well as establishing progressions, range of motion and limits. He was hooked. He asked lots of questions and knew that ‘Can’t” was no longer a word in his vocabulary. He was coming off a severe ankle injury where he had cracked the talus in his right foot in 2 and splintered his tibia. He would never have full range of motion on his ankle again, but that wouldn’t stop him. He was told to take up biking, as running would be impossible. With practice and mobility training, he runs like a champ to this day.

Today, Timbo, as our RAW family knows him, holds the top time on the leaderboard for 500m row and has gone from a time of 11:14  for 75 wallballs to 8:24 for 150 of them! He had to start somewhere, and it is never easy for anyone. It is hard work.

“I remember the WOD was a bunch of overhead squatting. I got my butt kicked. I was a little dejected, but I went back the next day, and the day after and the day after. Things started getting easier.”, says Tim reminiscing about his first-ever group class.

At 31 years of age and weighing in at 195lbs of lean muscle, Tim is in the best shape of his life and his lifestyle and outlook have dramatically changed. He is a riot to have at our box making guest appearances to a variety of class times and making friends with all who meet him. His witty disposition and comedic approach to life are contagious to be around. If you don’t find him shredding trails on his mountain bike, you’ll find him mooning the members, mid-competition at the box just for a laugh.

What does Timbo, a member of the RAW family for over 2 years suggest to those beginning a similar journey? “Don’t skip out and join somewhere else [thinking you need to get fit first] – Go straight to RAW School of Fitness.”

Way to go Timbo, we couldn’t be more proud of you and your accomplishments!

Warm Up

Tabata Ski Hops
Tabata Mountain Climbers


Pec Roll
Partner Hammy Pails/Rails


Back Squat 5×3


5 Floor Press (115/75)
5 Over the Bar Burpees
5 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
5 Wall Walks – chest to ground, chest to wall


Athletes will have 10 minutes to warm themselves up, your choice!
We suggest going through the pre warmup thoroughly!


hammy/butt smash
fore arm smash
5 min squat hold


5 Min ab variations




100 times
10 RFT
10 V-Sit Twisting KB Touches (l+r=1)
10 Around the Worlds (both directions)
10 KB Swings


4 x 200 Row
rest 2 min between efforts, all out sprint, damper setting high


Shoulder Sleeper Stretch
Weighted butterfly groin stretch (2 min +)
Pigeon Pose (2 min/side)


Squat Snatch
5 x 2 : ~ 80% of 1RM
Warm up this lift and only add weight is you are successfully catching the snacth in the bottom of the squat. If it runs into a power snatch back off the weight.


Power Cleans (105/75)
Barbell Push Ups


Obstacle Course X3


20m Samson – reaching up
20m Samson – twisting
2min/side Couch


10 Hollow Rocks
10 Supermans


Shoulder Stoning
Max weight shoulder stones
Left & Right


150 Wall Balls
for time


Backward Skips in 4 min
Total number of backwards single skips achieved in 4 min.


90/90 sit x 2
Glute rolling with LAX ball
Foot rolling 2 min/foot
Couch Stretch 2 min/side


Pushpress 5X3
Work up to a heavy 3 Set, then stay there for 4 more sets of 3.
5 x 3 : 80% of 1 RM
Between each set perform 10 Around-the-worlds each direction (53/35) and 10 KB Squat Cleans


100m Weighted Walking Lunge
100m weighted walking lunge
Carry a single KB however you like, cannot touch ground except when resting



20m Each of:
– bear crawl
– ostrich walk
– dog run
– gecko crawl
– backwards bear crawl
– duck walk


– Partner Shoulder Lift Offs
– T-spine rollout
– Couch Stretch 2 min/side


Max effort Ring Dips
Max Effort Strict Pullup


Kipping – Toes to Bar, Knees to elbows, butterfly, regular etc.


Afternoon Delight
10 min AMRAP

10 Double Unders
9 Mountain Climbers (L+R = 1)
8 Air Squats
7 Sit Ups
6 Push Ups
5 Hollow Rocks
4 Walking Lunges
3 Burpees
1 Rope Climb

1 round = 50


Flight Simulator
Double Unders (~8 min)
OR if that is impossible


5 min plank variations

If any movement becomes too difficult, switch back to regular plank. Goal is to stay in a plank for as much of the 5 min as possible.


Inverse Burpee
10 attempts, OR handstand practice


Squat Snatch
5 x 3 : 95/65
Warm up to this weight, go further if possible, on last set finish with max rep OHS


“The Morning Crew”
5 RFT of:
3 Squat Cleans (155/105)
6 KB Snatch/side (53/35)
9 Sit Ups
40m Sprint
30s REST

11 Oct 2014

Are you ready to celebrate 5 years?

Are you ready to celebrate 5 years?

Grab a partner!

“Turkey Time”
15 min AMRAP

200m run together ( = 20 pt)
5 partner push ups ( = 5 pt)
10 burpees each (1 person working at a time) ( = 20 pts)
15 Jumping air squats (performed holding hands) ( = 15 pts)
20 Mountain Climbers (L + R = 2) (1 person working at a time) (= 40 pts)

TOTAL ROUND = 100 pts