11 Oct 2014
5 Year Anniversary Competition & Celebration!
When: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26th from 10:00am- 3:00pm *
Who: Teams of FOUR, preferably from your usual class time, 2 males, 2 females
What: An in-house competition with food, cake and prizes to follow!
3 Team WOD Teasers:
1. Olympic Lifting Challenge
2. Running/Burpee Relay
3. Rowing/Skipping/Gymnastics WOD
ALL events can be scaled to any fitness level. Can’t find a team? Register solo and we’ll find you some teammates! Come on out and show your support for our awesome RAW family and box. After 5 years in business, who better to celebrate with than our dedicated members. We’re here because of you!
Please register in advance online through your ZP account, or at the box! about 6 teams already registered!! Find your team fast!
08 Oct 2014
RAW School of Fitness Group Class Benchmarks
Students must be able to demonstrate competency or appropriate level of scaling in the following movements for entry into group class:
- Rope CLimb
- Pistols
- Turkish Getup w/Kettlebell
- Double Under
- Knees to elbows/Toes to bar
- Handstand
- Kipping Pullup
- Kettlebell Swing
- Deadlift
- Push Press
- Shoulder Press
- Push & Split Jerk
- Hollowed & Arched position
- Rowing
- Handstand Pushup
- Front Squat
- Back Squat
- Overhead Squat
- Burpee
- Squat & Power Clean
- Snatch
- Dip
- Pushup
- Thrusters
- Wallball
- Box jump
- Muscle Up
Common and preferred work output for graduates of the Fundamentals Program:
*Remember, these are recommendations and do not necessarily need to be met. However if you are unable to perform a basic squat by the end of 10 sessions, do not expect us to graduate you into a group class setting.
Fight is Gone:
>200 reps
Tabata Squats
: >14 reps
1/2 Little Cindy:
8 rounds
15 continuous at 20lbs for males, 8lbs for females
75% of bodyweight for multiple reps
1 mile run:
Sub 8min (no walking)
400m Ball Run:
>1:50 (males), >2:00 (females)
Overhead Squat:
10 reps @ 65lbs/45lbs
07 Oct 2014
5×10 Cuban Rows
Ankle mob: Coach’s choice.
6 Box Jumps
6 Goblet Squats
6 KB Pushpress/arm
09 Dec 2013
Give the gift of health this Christmas!
It’s that time of year again, cuddling up in your pj’s, with warm tea and… a box of Kleenex beside you as you fester in a fuzzy cloud of nasal congestion, sore throats and coughing up questionable parts of your lungs.
Yep. Cold and flu season. So what should you do if you are unlucky enough to receive this wonderful gift this year? STAY HOME. There is no better gift than the gift of not getting the people in your life sick for the holidays.
As I write this, I am sitting on my couch, curled up in a blanket with the tea whistling at me on the stove. Sure I could’ve mustered my way through a few classes, putting my hands all over the bars, helping you PNF your hammies while you’re lying on the ground hoping I don’t sneeze all over you, but I like you all far too much.
So if you’re feeling a little under the weather over this holiday season, but you just can’t imagine not coming into the box to get your fix? We ask you to please think again.
When your body is trying to fight off infection of some kind, your immune system is in full tilt systemic stress. Now in some cases causing systemic stress to your body (ie. Heavy weightlifting) is needed in order to build strength, however your immune system is not a fan of overloading its workload. It can only handle so much stress at any one time and is already in progress trying to reduce a systemic stress. If you add more stress to it via training (whether it be from lifting or conditioning), you’re going to exacerbate the problem with the additional stress.
Keep in mind that when you do return to your regular routine, you are coming off a deficit and need to ease your way back in. If you typically train at 100%, consider starting out at 70-80% of your usual self and work back up to your usual work capacity.
Your body likes rest. It does well on rest (so actually get strong when you rest). Listen to your body because no one knows it like you do and we’ll see you back at the box when you’re good and ready!
That being said, I’ll see you all in a few.