02 Jun 2009
090602: Kelly
5 Rounds for time:
Run 400m
30 Box Jumps (24″ box)
30 Wall Balls (20# Ball)
Post time to the leaderboard.
01 Jun 2009
090601: Deadlifts
Great work from the Sunday crew yesterday! There were some sleepy faces when we got there, but everyone pushed hard and put up some good times.
Don’t forget to post your daily WOD results to the
It is in your best interest to do so, as this will allow you to track your progress and ultimately determine your work capacity (health) as your years following CrossFit grow. (And don’t forget to add me as a friend once you sign up: Big Red
We are going heavy today. Let’s see what everyone’s deadlift looks like. Take a few warm-up sets to work up to this one, then up the weight progressively for 5 sets of 3 reps. DO NOT try and lift more weight than your form allows. If your back is rounding on the pull, you have too much weight on the bar.
Hanging powerclean, and squat clean.
Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3
30 May 2009
090531: Bag Flips and Fun
A nice little Metcon (Metabolic Conditioning) burner for the Sunday crew. If you need some extra motivation this morning, check out this video from the Canada West Regional for the upcoming 2009 CrossFit Games.
Props to Joy, Andy, and Pete K representing CrossFit Vancouver (my Alma Mater). Strong showing.
Squat and Push-up form.
Bag Flips.
For time:
10 Bag Flips
400m Run
50 Push-Ups
60 Squats
70 Sit-Ups
400m Run.
Post your time to the leaderboard . (And if you haven’t created an account there yet, do that first so you can track your progress!)
29 May 2009
090529: Muscle Ups
Today we are following the main site with this ultra functional gymnastics movement. Hip drive, pull-up power, and ring dips all combine in this potent WOD.
20 Kettlebell swings (55#/35#)
20 Pull-ups
20 Ring Dips
For time: 30 Muscle-ups.
Post time to the leaderboard.
28 May 2009
090528: Max Squat
FYI: For those of you new to CrosFit, WOD stands for Workout Of the Day.
Today we are squatting. Take a look at the above picture and notice the depth and form that is maintained.
3 Rounds of 6 Burpees 40m Sprint. Rest 3 Mins between rounds.
Max Back Squat -1 Rep
Work up to your max weight slowly. Taking ample rest between lifts. Remember to take a nice deep breath at the top, and keep your core tight throughout the lift.
26 May 2009
090525: Butt Burner
As the title states, this one will be a butt burner. Deceivingly difficult.
Check out last night’s groups session in action…
Tech/Skills :
For time:
400m Lunges
25 May 2009
090525 Monday: Group Session #1
Today marks our first group workout. We will be meeting in the weight room of Midland Secondary School at 8:00pm sharp.
Lunch Hour Gone Bad
3 Rounds, 5 Mins of work 1 Min rest, 60s per station.
Deadlift (135#)
Box Jump
Push Press (65#)
Count each rep/round at each station, and add them up for a total score.
Sign-up for, and post results to the
CrossFit Leaderboard