Monday, October 20 2014
Backward Skips in 4 min
Total number of backwards single skips achieved in 4 min.
90/90 sit x 2
Glute rolling with LAX ball
Foot rolling 2 min/foot
Couch Stretch 2 min/side
Glute rolling with LAX ball
Foot rolling 2 min/foot
Couch Stretch 2 min/side
Pushpress 5X3
Work up to a heavy 3 Set, then stay there for 4 more sets of 3.
5 x 3 : 80% of 1 RM
Between each set perform 10 Around-the-worlds each direction (53/35) and 10 KB Squat Cleans
100m Weighted Walking Lunge
100m weighted walking lunge
Carry a single KB however you like, cannot touch ground except when resting
Carry a single KB however you like, cannot touch ground except when resting
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