Teens Helping Teens Dodge Ball Tournament

The cause:

Community Living Huronia Foundation and RAW CrossFit would like to invite you to support CLH’s Teen Summer Camp through our first annual Teens Helping Teens Dodge Ball Tournament being held at the NSSRC on November 12th 2009. CLH’s valuable Teen Camp enlightens the lives of teens with exceptionalities in the area. By providing campers with life experiences and social opportunities they build friendships and self-esteem. The positive outcomes our campers experience during the summer break have lasting influence on their lives.

An 8-team tournament will be run in each of the 4 local high schools, with each player raising $10.00 as an entrance fee. Our aim is that with the support of the youth in our area, Community Living Huronia Foundation will raise needed funds for our Summer Teen Camp 2010. To give the students further incentive and to make this event truly about COMMUNITY, we are asking 4 local businesses to pair up with each (one) school and match the total donations brought in by its students.

We need your help!

RAW CrossFit is trying to blow the other sponsors out of the water. The goal is to raise $800, but I think we can do much better than that. We are going to attempt to harness the power of social media to raise as many donations as we can. With your help, we can send hundreds of kids to camp, and forever impact their lives for the better. Every little bit counts, so please give what you can.

Please click the SHARE This button at the bottom of the screen and spread the word about this amazing event.


Devin Glage
