Class Descriptions


Varied if not random functional movements done at high intensity. The CrossFit class focuses on the Workout of the Day (WOD) as posted daily on our website. The WODs are scaled and modified to each athlete’s level and performed at the highest intensity that the individual can sustain with good form and proper technique.

Mid-Morning Madness

Need some work on the basics before you’re ready to join the WOD class, or just can’t make it for the later classes? No problem. Mid-Morning Madness classes will still complete the posted WOD, but we will pay more attention to the basic movements, and practice our technique on the fundamentals of CrossFit before stepping it up to more complex movements.

Morning Mayhem

The breakfast of champions! Get your productive day started on the right foot by firing up you body with this morning WOD blast.

Lunchtime Layout

Having trouble getting to the gym after work? Why not come during your lunch break! Make your food taste that much better after a metabolism stimulating WOD.

Afternoon Annihilation

Pass on that 3:00pm coffee and come get a blast of CrossFit to carry you through the afternoon. This class will take more care with the foundational movements, and proper scaling.

Please fill out our New Student Application form , and sign up for our Newsletter for more information on group classes.

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