Time to get some strength gains here at RAW. The Widowmaker Project is going to spike the immune system into overdrive and make all your lifts increase. We will be following this program for once a week for 5 weeks.

WOD: Back Squat 20 Rep Max

Start week 1 with 65% of your max back squat and slowly add weight in the following weeks. You must complete all 20 reps without putting the weight down for the set to count. Take lots of rest between reps.

On another note: the pictures in this post are the dream I have for a bouldering (rock climbing) wall in the back corner of the gym. I am looking for someone who wants to trade their skills for my skills. I will provide all the building materials, and a FREE Years Membership to RAW CrossFit for someone with the skills to build this wall. Email me: devin(at) rawcrossfit dot ca if this sounds like you.